Monday, September 1, 2008

YES on California Proposition #8

In November I will vote "Yes" that "Marriage in the state of California shall only be defined as between a man and a woman." Here are a few things to consider, but please spend some time with the links below.

Question: If two gay/lesbian couples want to marry it doesn't affect me so why should I care.

Response: It does matter - maybe not immediately, but in the long term ramifications to society as a whole. Any children in such a marriage will be adversely affected. Although a two women though responsible and loving can raise a child, neither of them can provide a necessary guidance/strength that a full time father can provide.

Question: Why is it any of the state's business what I do in my bedroom?

Response: It's not the states business and frankly the state could care less what you do in your bedroom. The state certainly is not monitoring who is having sex. Marriage has alot less to do with sex and alot more to do with sacrifice, dedication, and raising a family.

Here are some excellent links with more information (Mostly from the LDS church).


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

PHO (Powershares Global Water)

Special thanks to Tommy. Today I checked my investment account, I made 15% returns over the last quarter in PHO (Powershares Global Water) index fund. I'm happy with 15% in 3 months, but certainly don't expect the growth to sustain itself. Over the last 12 months I am still down about 12% in SPY (S&P 500 indexed fund). So - thanks for the good tip Tommy - It has essentially offset my losses in SPY.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Wal-Mart, Capitalism at its Finest

This page is coming. I am planning on starting with material from pages 36 and 37 of Charles Wheelan’s book “Naked Economics.”